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Oregon takes a bold step in allowing retail outlets for marijuana

Medical marijuana: the changed perspective

Marijuana was taken to be a drug and illegal in very recent times until when it was discovered that marijuana can really heal certain diseases which nothing else can bring a remedy for. Discrepancies like the neural disorders can be resolved through the right dosage of marijuana. When these incidents started coming in the notice of men they felt that marijuana can be used for the betterment of mankind as well. Thus, the term medical marijuana came into existence.

Legalization of cannabis

Keeping in mind the medical outcome of the thing, cannabis was legalized in many states of America and Europe. Though under doctor’s prescription, the intake of marijuana was no more an anti social thing. By and by it was observed that apart from being a good medicine, cannabis can also contribute to the income of the coffers. Thus, the proposal of retail sale of cannabis came into the market.

Cannabis was made legal because:

People felt that this can be used as a good remedy
This can really be exported to other countries and the tariff gained shall benefit the nation

The society shall get a new medical stuff from the natural elements
Oregon and Marijuana

Oregon legalized marijuana much earlier. Now they have made up their plans to give licences to the people who want to sell marijuana. The bill of the senate law was signed by the governor of Oregon, Katie Brown who stated that henceforth, cannabis can be sold in shops. However as usual there were some restrictions:

a. Cannabis cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 21
b. Cannabis cannot be sold in pubs or in a shop which sell liquor
c. This stuff cannot be sold without the recommendation of a doctor
d. This can only be sold at the medicine shops


The decree issued by the OLCC or the Oregon liquor control commission provides the clause that the applications from rowers, processors and retail outlets within the time of Jan. 4, 2016. They were very strict in issuing the marijuana licences. The government is really very sturdy on the disciplinary grounds of selling marijuana in the market. The governor said, in the section 460 of the new act that anyone violating the law shall be arrested and his full store shall be confiscated. OLCC is agile and alert about all possible hazards. The government said that marijuana can be bought through special android app making the task of transaction easier. So, it is hoped that this shall open up new scope of marijuana sales.