The Origin of Cannabis and its Discovery of Medical Properties
Initially cannabis was used as a source of fiber for manufacturing ropes and textiles and not used as drug or for any medicinal purposes. The drug properties of this plant basically changes due to its geographical location and it is first believed to have been discovered Asia and the followed toward the European and the African nations. This plant has been in use since the ancient times for healing and medicinal purposes. Its sedative and relaxing properties have been used by the tribal people and are still being used by them at large. It can soothe pains of arthritis, the feeling of nausea, soothe anxiety and is obviously an excellent medicinal drug for those who have trouble sleeping.
Marijuana Research Benefits for the Masses
A number of research and survey on the possible therapeutic benefits of this plant has been carried out by many medical centers throughout. An Australian report stated that there is a good amount of beneficiary properties of the activated THC in the marijuana plant and can be used effectively for the treatment of glaucoma to epileptic seizures. It is imperative that before consuming medical marijuana, one has a comprehensive knowledge about how it benefits and in what ways. The use of medical marijuana has been approved of in a number of states in America and its use as a recreational drug has also been approved by few.
There are many movements throughout the world supporting the legalization of marijuana. This is important to make sure that the drug is available to patients who are in dire need of it. There have been many cases reported throughout where patients with certain diseases have had a painful death, which otherwise could have been prevented with the proper use of medical marijuana. Death cannot be stopped but it can most definitely assure a less painful one.
One of the most common problems that a majority of the population faces today including the young and the old is the problem of depression. This is what causes most of the heart diseases and leads to anxiety disorders. Marijuana is one plant that can help with this acute situation and relax the mind so as to prevent further spreading of this disease.
The states that have fully legalized the use of marijuana in both medical and recreational forms are Alaska, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Portland and Colombia. There are many states as well who have approved of the medical use of the plant. However it is important that the world at large understands the benefits of cannabis and be more welcoming and understanding about the entire issue.