It is all farmers’ wish to get maximum output with minimum input. Almost all cannabis growers want bigger yields for less money, time, and efforts. Achieving a high final yield is the ultimate goal. There are a number of factors that should be kept in mind to ensure a great yield. The main things, which should be observed are light intensity, training, nutrients, climate issues, and harvest time. All these factors can lead to successful yields. Now let us focus on the best nutrients for cannabis plants.
Knowledge is the best tool to fight against every odd. Cannabis mostly depends on micronutrients for their growth during their life span. The micronutrients are zinc, iron, manganese, chlorine, cobalt, silicon, boron, copper etc. So, here is the list of minerals and non-minerals elements that are required for cannabis plants.
Under mineral nutrients, you have to supply the plants with Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur. Under non-mineral elements, there should be enough Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen, which plants absorb from the environment.
The most important thing is that all these nutrients work together and the plant continuously needs them in order to give good yield. The key in providing them is the correct time. Some nutrients are already available in the soil. It is the duty of a good farmer to continuously check and measure the pH balance of the soil and a daily supervision is must to check whether the plants are healthy or not.
Here’s an overview of how NPK works. NPK means Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K).
Nitrogen helps plants in making proteins that are used for healthy foliage growth. Excess use of it will cause rapid growth, but result in poor flowering, which may lead to loss.
Phosphorous helps in strong root growth with flower development and contains large seeds. Excess of it causes poor growth with yellow leaves and may also result in leaf death.
Potassium plays a vital role in the overall growth of plant health and development. Excess may lead to poor health or may be the reason for the plant’s death.
Farming crops or vegetables or even cannabis timing is everything, so plan accordingly before taking the steps. Always try to get the best available genetics of your marijuana plant. They are going to have the greatest effect on the final yield at the end of the day. Fertilizers aside, have a proper and well planned watering facility or else your plants will never thrive in soil.