What is the media saying about Cannabis
Though we may know the dictionary meanings of the words ‘Spice’ and ‘Black Mamba,’ they now mean the synthetic cannabis that have become common across prisons in the UK! Besides, it is legal without the complications you might face with the real stuff. Odorless and even more powerful than the naturally occurring Tetrahydrocannabinol, it is becoming difficult to detect the stuff at all. Increasing violence in the prisons has become a major cause for concern. Prisoners attack staff under the influence and are clearly losing their way. NPS or new psychoactive substances form the new high and synthetic cannabis is the biggest rave. The people supplying NPS in prisons could earn a two-year jail sentence.
The Dravet Syndrome in children and the cannabis cure
Epidiolex is a cannabis-sourced drug that could offer cures for the severe form of epilepsy in children. Cannabidiol is the active ingredient and it has no psychoactive impact. The Dravet syndrome is rare and affects only one in many thousand children. It is certainly sensational news that the administration of Epidiolex resulted in fewer seizures by a third compared to the placebo. Normally, the Dravet Syndrome results in 13 seizures in a month. Sativex, another licensed cannabidiol product, treats the multiple sclerosis muscle spasms.
Jamaica is adopting the legal route too
Cannabis Licensing authority in Jamaica approves the regulations to implement the legal dope policy. CLA will guide the permits, cultivation and distribution, sale and transport of Ganja for medicinal or scientific applications. The Minister congratulated the Board of Directors of sixteen members for the speedy work of formulating the regulations. The process of legalization now continues to obtain the approval of the Chairman of CLA and the Minister of Justice. CLA Meetings would continue during May end.
YouTube and the cannabis myths
We know that the world is opening up to cannabis and so should the media. Yet most media do not agree, probably because of the taint attached to cannabis that will not let go, no matter what. Try hosting cannabis-based materials in any kind of social media! You would probably face objections and blackouts. Yet You Tube seems to lie beyond such prohibitions. Have you heard of RuffHouse Studios? This cannavideo company has been uploading stuff to YouTube since 2007. The 300 videos teach you lots of cannabis related things like cooking. Do you wish to learn how to roll joints and make cannabutter recipes!