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Lax Laws Promote Marijauna Foods Consumption In Little Kids!

In spite of marijuana getting the legal nod in several states of USA, the legal age for consumption continues to be 21. That seems to be the golden age when so many things are legally possible! Sure it is what the little ones and the teenagers dream of, that magic age to fly from the nests as fully fledged citizens or so they think.

Something to worry intensely about

While the majority smokes weed in euphoria now, a serious problem emerges. Kids under the age of five seem to have easy access to the CBD and THC based edibles that are freely sold in brick and mortar shops and online! Researchers are at it all the time, as we all know too well. Consider children below six. Nationwide Children’s Hospital reveals that during 2006-2013 marijuana exposure rose by 147%! In the legal marijuana states the exposure rose by 610%.

Medical marijuana too rules out little kids

With all the fuss being made of the medical potential of marijuana including cancer cures, the drug is not administered to little children. The minds are at a tender develoiping stage and may be adversely affected by the chemical. Besides, food products would contain higher levels of the active chemical and so the greater dangers. To make matters worse, eating the products would mean ingesting the entire large dose of marijuana into the system. Comparatively, smoking and even vaporizing would be milder with a part of the effect escaping through smoke and vapor. Some negative effects among toddlers have been seizures, breathing problems and even coma among children three years old or younger and a large number of them too.

The hidden dangers

Besides the immediate impact of the high concentraion cannabis chemicals, a long enduring taste for the drug high could be the damaging result. Though marijuana is now believed to be non-addictive and compartaively harmless to health, it could be habit forming. Cannabis slows down the faculties and reflexes suffer like while driving. Excessive cannabis consumption could become the doorway to wider substance abuse that gradually leads to lawlessness. Stunted growth and early puberty may be the consequence in young boys.

How do the kids gain access to marijuana foods?

Like mobiles and guns,computers and tablets that kids play with, cannabis based snacks like brownies and cookies are common enough. Like with medicines, stern measures need to be adopted to keep them out of the reach of kids. Packaging that prevents children getting at the contents is alsolutely essential through legislation. Parents are also advised to take precationary measures like storing out of sight in the upper shelves. Locking them up would be the best policy.