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Treating cancer with cannabis

Cancer is a real curse to the normal human life. Any type of cancer tends to corrode the inner parts of the body and damage the tissues and then gradually lead the person to demise. There are many treatments for cancer in modern times. Cannabis has been proven to be a good treatment for cancer. This article deals in with that subject.

Cannabis contains as many as 85 variants of cannabinoids. These are certain chemicals that create a drug like effect all the way through the body. These elements are now researched on and this is excavated that the cannabinoids are great rivals of the cancer cells and thus they can be used for the treatments of cancer.

The doctors are elated with the research results and they have requested the governments to harp upon the point and allow the use of medicated marijuana in cancer treatments. There are many cannabinoids that can help the cancer patients and especially the CBC, CBD, CBDa, CBG, THC, and THC can be the greatest friend. The CBD which is a short form of the term cannabinoids is also famed for being able to reduce the inflammations and pain in the body as well as treat the nausea and vomiting that is closely knit with the procedure of chemotherapy.

The NCI or national Cancer Institute of US reports that cannabinoids are proficient for their anti inflammatory activity. They block the abnormal cell growth. They prevent the growth of the blood vessels which are the suppliers to the tumors. The cannabinoids are also dexterous in combating viruses, and alleviating the muscle paroxysms.
The studies regarding the effectiveness of cannabinoids over cancer has been in the run throughout the world. The reckoned doctors are in this field. They have proved that:

a. The CBD is great in combating the dead cancer cells and they do it by not harming the good cells.
b. They bar the colon inflammation.
c. It kills the cells which are associated with the origination of the breast cancer. They destroy the wrong cells and preserve the right ones.
d. Bladder cancer is 45% less in cannabis users to the ones who does not use the same.
e. All the research institutes come to this point that the neurons and neuron adjustments of the body is controlled highly by cannabis.

These are the reasons and ways how cancer can be treated effectively by cannabis. This is definitely a great invention of modern medicine.