Something Else Cannabis Is Teaching Us: Another Study on Addiction This is an example of how important cannabis is, even when cannabis is not even directly involved. Another great gift coming from a plant mistreated by too many of us. It is widely known that cannabis is not addictive. Let me say that again: …
Can Cannabis Be Adopted As A Treatment for Psychosis? Now, this is something extremely interesting, and very powerful. Let me start by asking you: what do you think about marijuana and psychosis? Do you think cannabis is about “bad trips”, dementia, panic attacks, paranoia and depression? If you are among …
A New Revelation: Cannabis Can Fight Against Colon Cancer Whenever I say that cannabis helps those who suffer from cancer, I usually have two kinds of reaction (I am talking about people who are not doctors, of course). On the one hand I usually find a bunch of characters who come back to me saying they actually …
A New Study Turns the World Upside Down: Cannabis Can Save You from Alcohol Ground-shacking news coming from the scientific community. It looks like cannabis can actually help people who drink too much. Now, why is this ground-shaking news? Well, for more than one reason. First of all, there is the relationship …
February 2015: What Happened to the United States of America? At the beginning of 2015, people all over the world started looking at the United States of America with curiosity. What they asked themselves was one simple question: is cannabis going to be the next gay marriage? What they meant was: is cannabis …
Cannabis and Pain: The Things Doctors Say Today A new study confirms the effectiveness of cannabis against chronic pain. According to a research carried out by the University of Melbourne, Australia, and conducted by Dr. Louisa Degenhardth, who then published the results in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, …
Pregnenolone and Cannabis The Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) of Bordeaux has recently conducted a research to determine the mechanisms behind addiction. In doing so, the experts involved in the study discovered that the human brain naturally produces a molecule, a steroid …
Use It or Lose It Cannabis is a global resource, a real treasure that can adapt too many uses. Did you know, for instance, that cannabis could very well replace oil in the production of plastic and fuel? It would be an ecological alternative, and we would all benefit from it – including our planet. Hemp …
Cannabis and the Rest: A Comparison The criminalization of cannabis translates into many different bad things: it means depriving farmers of an easy source of income, preventing humanity from obtaining paper without tearing down entire forests, causing the impoverishment of the soil and increasing the average …
The Best Cannabis Songs Cannabis can be an incredible promoter of creative thinking. You smoke, and suddenly you find yourself in a new dimension, far away from your usual self. There, standing in the midst of a new, overwhelming space, you have the unique chance to look at the world from a different perspective. …