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February 2015: What Happened to the United States of America?

At the beginning of 2015, people all over the world started looking at the United States of America with curiosity. What they asked themselves was one simple question: is cannabis going to be the next gay marriage? What they meant was: is cannabis legalization going to follow the liberal trend set by gay marriage, which is quickly becoming legal pretty much everywhere in America?

The question was a difficult one, and the answer was not that clear.

First of all we need to be considered what happened to gay marriage. In the last few years, scholars have published a lot of articles that underlines how gay rights are now extremely fashionable. In other words, gayness has finally entered the capitalist economy: gay characters are accepted, gay values and products sell very well, gay neighborhoods are trendy and gay fashion is extremely popular. “Gay” is not scary anymore, it is profitable. That’s why, according to those scholars, gay marriage is now not only accepted but often promoted. It’s ok to be gay, and if you are gay you are not countercurrent anymore: you are part of the matrix, and your marriage is nothing but the next step towards definitive social digestion.

This is quite an interesting perspective, especially if we apply it to cannabis and to what’s happening to cannabis legalization in the ultimate capitalist society, the United States of America. After the people living in Washington and Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and DC decided cannabis was pretty much ok, in February Vermont and Maryland tried to jump on the wagon. However, in both states the attempts to break the wall of legalization came from initiatives conceived and pushed directly by politicians – namely Senator David Zuckerman and State Del. Curt Anderson. This is incredible. If politicians begin to talk about legalizations, maybe cannabis is slowly turning into a not-so-controversial issue (just like it happened with gays).

Maybe politicians – and the capitalist society they represent – are realizing cannabis is good business? And maybe pot lovers, users and growers are slowly turning into acceptable characters?

We don’t know for sure, but it certainly feels that way, doesn’t it? As a matter of fact, many states and companies would like to put their hands on the amount of money Washington and Colorado are earning thanks to legalized pot.

Well, while we wait, let’s smoke some good cannabis, something that reminds us how amazing this beautiful plant is. Because cannabis, at least for those who really love it, is not all about money and politics.