With the wave of cannabis legalization, the weed business is not just confined to marijuana growers, buyers, retailers, and distributors, but this new weed revolution has opened up lot of other business opportunities and scope as well. Another important role in the industry is played by online products and service …
Santa Cruz, Mountain Naturals dispensario de marihuana ganó el primer premio de mejor planta de cannabis, en la High Times Cannabis Cup 2014. Una de las cepas de marihuana medicinal, Cracker Jack, fue vendida en Aptos dispensario y coronada como la ‘Mejor Sativa’ en Santa Rosa. La cepa compitió con …
Santa Cruz Mountain Naturals’ marijuana dispensary grabbed the very first place from ‘What’ as cannabis plant during the 2014 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup. One of the medical marijuana strains, Cracker Jack was sold at Aptos dispensary and crowned as ‘Best Sativa’ in Santa Rosa. The strain …
Con 52 años de edad, Michelle Mitnik entró en la iglesia para ver la misa del domingo, muy pocos por ahí sabían que ella tiene un negocio de cannabis. No es un tema que Mitnik discuta con sus amigos en la iglesia, debido al temor de ser excluida socialmente, aunque cuando se da a conocer, es algo como …
When 52-year-old Michelle Mitnik stepped into the church for the regular Sunday service, very few over there knew that she’s running a cannabis business. It’s not a topic that Mitnik often discusses about with her friends in church due to the social disgrace fear, though when she discloses, it’s something …
AFP Mick Palmer ha pedido al estado una ley de discreción, para ejercer la liberalidad en el trato con os niños de las familias que están en tratamiento con aceite de cannabis. Sr. Palmer, quien estuvo en el cargo de comisionado de la AFP a partir del año 1994 a 2001, declaró que las familias que se han …
Mr. Palmer, who was in the position of AFP commissioner from the year 1994 to 2001, stated that prosecuting families who have now inclined towards a non-psychoactive kind of drug like an alcohol based tincture of cannabis oil might not always be of public interest. “We exercise discretion all the time and I …
El martes, la asamblea legislativa de Illinois aprobó finalmente la despenalización total del consumo de cannabis con fines medicinales en todo el estado. La noticia es muy positiva para todos los cultivadores de cannabis y consumidores, ya que pueden comenzar a solicitar autorización y cultivar libremente. …
On Tuesday, the legislative assembly at Illinois finally approved the decriminalization of medical cannabis throughout the state. The news is really soothing for all enthusiastic cannabis growers and retailers as they can start to apply for authorization and get the new business started. However, the state …
Few Iowans who are really looking forward to obtain cannabis oil legally from the state are facing difficulties, which in turn, is affecting their children’s lives. Kim and Matt Novy from Altoona have twin daughters who are 12 years old and need constant supervision. “They can never be left alone, ever. So, we …