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Talking About the Cannabis Revolution

Cannabis had to walk down a strange path in order to get where we are standing now. For instance, think about the history of humanity. Throughout that history, cannabis has played an important role. Let me say that again: cannabis has played a MAJOR role. Not only, in fact, hemp has been used by humans to produce any sort of products, from clothing to ropes and “whatever, you name it”, but cannabis has also been the backbone of traditional medicine, rituals and religions across the planet.

Then, suddenly, human beings met industrial capitalism in the middle of the 19th century, and cannabis found itself closed out in the cold. That was unfair, almost illogical. Why? Because cannabis and hemp, which – as we all know – became illegal pretty much everywhere, are way cheaper and healthier than most of the materials and drugs we’ve been forced to adopt and use throughout the last century. In other words, because a bunch of powerful business men decided that their profit was way more important than our health and wallets, we’ve been forced to call “illegal” both cannabis and all his benefits. Now, in 2015, after decades of struggles, marijuana is finally finding its way out of jail, quite literally. It is doing so in a spectacular way, and many nations and states have already initiated the legalization process.

This is a revolution.

If you are not convinced, you should look at what happened on the 21st of March in New Jersey, in Trenton, more precisely, where 100 people marched screaming “One! Two! Three! Four! Smoke, smoke, smoke some more!”. Or maybe you should travel to Idaho, where the Senate is about to consider a bill that would make cannabis oil legal and what about Texas or Tennessee? And surely you can’t forget about Iowa or Utah! Everywhere around the USA you will find people – sick people, healthy people, young people and old people – who finally discovered the truth: cannabis is a treasure we all have the right to enjoy.

Plus, you can now buy high quality marijuana online, from websites like the famous another sign of the revolution we are all witnessing.

The times they are a changing, used to sign Bob Dylan. Talking about the revolution, echoed Tracy Chapman. Well, we are now living the revolution. Let’s be aware of it, and let’s all play our part in supporting the legalization of a plant that already belongs to us, humans!