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Cannabis Tea

Welcome to my personal collection of cannabis tea. I will share with you a few recipes to make potions that are extremely beneficial to the organism. However, before we even start discussing the ingredients, let’s remind ourselves the number 1 rule: if you want marijuana to have any kind of positive effect on your body, you will have to purchase organic, high quality weed. Forget about plants that are constantly treated with chemicals, pesticides and other sorts of poisons. You can even get some seeds from Green House Seeds Co. – which is one of the best websites ever to do so) and grow your own cannabis. Let me say that one more time: use quality stuff, and everything will be more than fine.

Let’s begin….

Simple Tea

1. 3 or 4 fresh cannabis leaves
2. boiling water

A very simple tea. Basically, just let the leaves rest in some boiling water for 5 minutes. The benefits this wonderful beverage will bring to your life are really impressive. In fact, it will help you fight against pain, headaches and inflammations. Also, a little note: cannabinoids are liposoluble. What does that mean? It means that if you add some fatty liquid to the equation (milk will work just fine) the precious cannabinoids will dissolve and your body will be able to better absorb them (perfect, if you want your HIGH to be stronger!).

Aphrodisiac Tea

1. 3 or 4 cannabis leaves
2. 1 teaspoon of lemon zest
3. cannabis seeds
4. 1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus leaves
5. boiling water

Mix the herbs and add boiling water. Let the ingredients rest for about 5 minutes. If you don’t add milk or butter to the tea, the impact of the THC on your body will be minimal. Still, this will be great for your sexual life – whether you are a boy or a girl.

Spiritual Tea

1. 2 leaves of cannabis
2. 1 tablespoon butter
3. 1 glass of milk
4. 1 spoonful of honey

This tea is extremely tasty. It has an intense, earthy aroma. And enchanting beverage, almost surprising. Even more surprising, however, is the number of things the tea will do to you and your life. You drink it, and suddenly you feel like your mind is opening up. New horizons appear. This is widely considered a medical potion, and its effects can last for several hours. Do not take it lightly: this is powerful stuff! Remember to start with the milk. It’s quite simple: boil the milk, and don’t forget to add both honey and butter. Turn off the stove and add your organic cannabis leaves. Then, let the ingredients rest for 5 minutes. Filter the drink and enjoy it. Once again, be careful. If you’ve never tried marijuana this way, remember that the effects will be stronger and will last longer compared to those you feel when you smoke.