5 recent inventions proving the medical priority of marijuana! Research on marijuana has got a spur in recent times. It has been explored in a search by the National library of medicine that till today as much as 23,000 research papers and peer reviewed articles has been published and all of them circumscribe the …
The government spurs Oregon to invest more in marijuana research Marijuana of late has attained elevated importance due to the recent inventions. There are wide spread initiatives by individuals and the government in the propagation of the use of medical marijuana. The marijuana extracts are used in finding new …
America’s legal marijuana market is developing frequently This is a very popular question today that is marijuana legalized? And how big is the market of legal marijuana? According to new report of leading marijuana investor and research firm that recently the marijuana sale jumped 25%, it is considered in this …
Marijuana is in real crisis in NY City New York is in a crisis of medical marijuana. Recent reports prove that there are hundreds of critically marijuana treatment needing people but the stuff is out of reach. The state departments of health and hygiene are failing in procuring the life saving drug. There are many …
Legal marijuana sales in USA are set to grow fourfold by 2020! The good times have arrived both for the patient and the recreationist, the tourists and the addicts too, with legal marijuana set to conquer more and more American states. The count is 22 for medical pot and 4 for recreationists so far. Millions and …
When you smoke Marijuana Many misbelief Marijuana being a Drug, instead it is an Herb. For so long it has been a mystery, what happens to your brain when you smoke Marijuana, Recently some researchers just explained that. Cannabis is composed of thousands of organic elements. With each Joint you smoke, you inhale …
Smoking Marijuana long before it was legal: A dive into Ancient culture and Cannabis Recently a cannabis plant was found in Czechoslovakia dating back to almost 26,900 BC. This makes cannabis one of the oldest plant species known to man today. Smoking marijuana is illegal in most of the world today. But history …
Marijuana vs. Alcohol: A head to head comparison Recreational marijuana has been only been legal since past year or so. Yet extensive studies are done on marijuana smokers to ensure whether it is safe and beneficial for us or not. These studies focus on Long Term effects rather than short term. With marijuana …
Here is why Legalizing weed can actually help! In the recent array of events, many US states have declared the use of Marijuana legal, mostly being recreational. Many states & nations appear to follow this legalization of Marijuana. Despite your initial reaction here is exactly why Legalizing Marijuana can …
Best Pot Songs of All Time Marijuana has inspired many music artists to write original songs. The herb has got appreciation from many famous rock stars like Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Elvis, Aerosmith and others. They describe it to be an aural enhancer and mood elevator which is an integral part of their creative …