Stoned Pasta and More: Have Fun With Your Cannabis As long as you buy the right seeds and the right strains (have a look here: you can actually cook and have a lot of fun with your cannabis. At the end of the day, in fact, we are talking about a plant that tastes pretty good and …
Scotland Pot Raid Reveals an Unusually Large Trove of Marijuana and Munitions During a drug bust conducted by Scottish police uncovered one of the largest cannabis farm in the United Kingdom, along with a trove of other illegal items. Earlier this month information was released detailing that Scottish authorities …
Sativex Fails Clinical Trials, but Hope Remains Excitement has been brewing for a new cannabis-derived oral spray Sativex for the past several months, but the new drug may not be released to patients suffering certain ailments anytime soon due to the results of recent tests. Having been developed by the United …
Sativa and Indica: Let’s Talk about it Let’s talk about something practical. You are in Amsterdam, or maybe is Seattle, and your friend comes home with some cannabis. You want to try, but you don’t know what to try. The choices are many… what do you choose? Well. Just like food, if you really want to know …
Pot Poll and Unchanging Positions Even in the wake of positive social and legal changes not all attitudes are immediately swept forward into the current. One such example is the opinion of numerous Colorada residents about cannabis. Despite being passed by nearly a ten percent gap, Amendment 64’s passage …
Nancy Grace vs. 2 Chainz If there was any doubt that mainstream American news is nothing more than one massive circus, Nancy Grace has managed garner an enormous amount of attention recently all while putting her foot squarely in her mouth in a debate with hip-hop artist Tauheed Epps, more famously known by his …
Marijuana and Cancer: Here’s How It Destroys Cancer Cells A study conducted by the University of Rostock in Germany shows that cannabis is able to destroy cancer cells. THC and cannabidiol, two cannabinoids which are both present and active in our beloved hemp, have the ability to stimulate the production of …
Countries Where Pot is Legal Countries which get a lot of press surrounding legal, or at least not illegal, cannabis use often include the Uruguay, the Netherlands, and the United States. But in this article we’re going to ignore them and focus on often forgotten countries which have surprisingly liberal …
Cook with Your Cannabis: Nuts, Fish and Hemp We continue the series of ancient recipes that involve the use of marijuana as an ingredient. They are great to share with friends, the perfect solution to open your mind and meditate, an extraordinary help to see things from a new point of view …plus, why not, …
Cannabis and Its Therapeutic Uses Sometimes it feels like everyone is talking about the therapeutic uses of cannabis and many people all over the world, especially in nations where cannabis is still illegal, are fighting to establish an open minded system that recognizes the advantages of embracing medical …