Cannabis in the Year 2014 This has been an exciting, albeit occasionally frustrating, year for cannabis activism, advocacy and use. We’ve seen cannabis become and thus far stay legal in one country, as well as see legal acceptance in some territories within other countries. With all of that there has of course …
Apparently US Cops can Carry Away Cannabis with Impunity According to the American Civil Liberties Union police arrested one person for cannabis possession once every thirty-two seconds. The FBI in 2012 puts the number at once every forty-two seconds, but that’s still very high. For having only a single gram of …
And Teen Cannabis Use Continues to…Fall One of the classics from the conservatives and their authoritarian allies is “with legal cannabis use teen use will increase” or roughly that. This has been repeated by ad nausea in areas where cannabis has recently been legalized, or is about to be. For example, prior …
Valuable Allies: Law Enforcement Professional against Cannabis Prohibition An increasing number of law enforcement officials the world over are starting to come out against the war on drugs, and prohibitions against cannabis in particular. The American-based activist group LEAP, or Law Enforcement against …
Uruguay, Cannabis, and the Legal Climate in the Western Hemisphere South America, like much of Europe and parts of the US and Canada, have a relaxed, or at least hostile legal climate in regards to marijuana. However, Uruguay still remains the only country to legalize the plant for medicinal and recreational use …
Marijuana Myths: Marijuana Produces Memory Loss In this installment in our series of marijuana myths we’re going to look at the notion, which I’ve heard even in cannabis user circles repeated as well, that marijuana causes memory loss. I can personally attest to having met many smokers who couldn’t remember …
Just what is the Difference between an Indica and Sativa? One distinction which is often made when discussing cannabis is the strain type and whether it is an indica, sativa, or instead a hybrid between the two. But what exactly does this mean? Cannabis, while a common name, is also the Latin scientific name for …
Correcting Misinformation about Iceland’s Cannabis Use Recently there’s a common myth which has been circulating the net about the countries which consume the most cannabis. According to the most recent United Nations annual World Drug Report whose contents were summarized and printed in leaf science (as well …
How much is the Pot Worth? The marijuana industry, be it legal or illegal, is big business, but just how big is it? Given the facts that cannabis’ legality and enforcement of laws around it varies from region to region. However, with recent shifts in legal policy in some countries as well as different …
Cannabis may soon be Legal in Some Native American Nations In America there are a litany of Native American tribes who have to some degree semi-sovereignty and a measure of legal independence from the rest of the country. Thus some tribes have legal rights not afforded to other US citizens such as the legal right …