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From a long time ago, humans are taking help from cannabis and making these items an important part of the lifestyle. In this process, some people bring the samples of marijuana weeds from worldwide regions and cultivate those in a controlled or synthetic condition. The continuous creation of crosses like Purple Dog Shit & Alien OG or other Kush, a question has aroused. Is there any authentic wild weed of cannabis present in the modern world? Well, this question is tough, because of such enhancement of crosses. The reports say that it is hard to find the wild weeds in the market. Yet, some specimens are alive still. There are some places where the wild weeds are growing.

In U.S:

During the World War II, some hemp industries have been cultivated the wild weeds in the middle of 20th century. The council has been stopped the cultivation for some years, yet the wild weeds have re-seeded naturally and carried the existence of natural wild weeds still. This marijuana seed is called ditch weed. Nebraska, Missouri, Indiana and Minnesota are carrying this weed now.


Glenn Panik became a great guide to identifying the roadside wild weeds. Now, people can find out their nearest marijuana strain. The natural products from the roads of forests to mountains can be specified by a machine. He says cannabis can grow in poor soil and little water as well. Such capacity of the weed enhances their growing area. Eventually, some urban or man-made cities that have occurred soil and weather condition to grow any plant can cultivate some natural wild weeds. In lush or moist soil condition, it would be hard to find the wild weed with broad bud, but you can take the roots to cultivate in a controlled situation so that it can be grown widely.

The report:

The natural presence of wild weed is being proved in recent studies. For an example, people can find Lamb’s bread (a wild weed) in Jamaica. Some of the local weeds are being grown naturally in several geographic locations. The Hindu Kush is being grown in its geographic area as well as Durban Poison. Some of these items are used to create the medical marijuana, high THC crosses, and other issues. The study reports say that, if you are finding the wild weeds, then some of the specimens are available in the modern world still. The quantity and quality are depending on nature’s condition and geographic location.