Breaking News

The Rise of THC During the last few decades, marijuana producers have been working to create the perfect, healthy and powerful plant: a super hybrid. They did it by crossbreeding thousands of strains, trying to increase the THC level as much as possible. Twenty years ago, cannabis had an average of 1.37% of THC, …

Cannabis Aroma Cannabis lovers adore its smell. Marijuana has a unique, unmistakable aroma, a fragrance that changes from one plant to another, from one variety to another, a scent that adapts to the type of farming and environment. Plus, the smell of cannabis is like a proper storyteller: it brings you places, …

The Latest News: Growing Your Plants Reading the news published in the last couple of weeks, following those related to the many States that have legalized cannabis, it is possible to find an incredible number of tips to grow cannabis seeds in confined spaces. This is very interesting. In fact, not everyone can …

Let’s Talk About Epidermolysis Bullosa The so-called Epidermolysis bullosais a group of skin diseases resulting from the deficiency and alteration of skin proteins that perform an intercellular adhesivefunction: keratin, collagen, laminin, desmocollin, plakophilin, plakoglobin… etc. It is a rare hereditary …

The first legal Cannabis plant has been planted in Jamaica We’ve already talked about this many times, but “repetita iuvant” said the Latins (repeating does good): cannabis legalization doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t come with a total rejection of the many stereotypes and misconceptions that supported …

The 2015 Virginia Cannabis Conference The 2015 Virginia Cannabis Conference has officially been announced. It will be held in in Richmond, on October 16-18. Here is what the organizers said to the media: “the tides of cannabis freedom are rising in the U.S. and with these exciting changes comes a flood of new …

Those people who aren’t governed by the cannabis cultivation laws in Spain need to know that cannabis use in this country is absolutely legal. However, cannabis cultivation is even penalized legally. If you are wondering how this is possible, there are several economic interests behind this that do not want the …

Para todas aquellas personas ajenas a la legalidad sobre el cultivo de cannabis en España, debemos aclarar que el consumo de cannabis en ese país es completamente legal. Aunque por extraño que parezca, el cultivo de cannabis está aun penalizado legalmente. ¿Cómo es esto posible? Muy probablemente haya …

During its 20th anniversary in 2015, the world-famous Vina Rock has beaten all expectations. It doesn’t come as a surprise that more and more visitors are attending this amazing event as the whole atmosphere there is absolutely incredible. Every visitor comes to the event with a single purpose- to enjoy music …