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Things to keep in mind before growing your first weed

These days Marijuana has become legal in many countries. There are many people interested to grow this plant and others like to use it for medical purposes. There is a limit for having plants at home. It is better to know more about the local law and grow the plants. There are many websites online which sell feminized seeds. These websites keep the purchasers name and details confidential. Most of the Marijuana weeds can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Instead of buying the seeds online for more rates it is better to grow it at home and get more yields.

3 Things to know while growing plant

Seedlings Needs Lesser Temperature

The seeds have to be planted into the pots at a certain depth. After one week the seedlings are grown. The seedlings have to be protected from intense heat or light. The water also has to be monitored. Once they reach the height of one foot then the particular temperature and light can be given to get the necessary yield.

Best Seeds with Perfect Germination

The best seeds have to be purchased for better germination. Light, water and air are the three necessities of the plant. When all the requirements are given correctly the plant gives maximum yield. The gender of the plant has to be observed. If the plant is female then the yield is good. Only the female variety produce buds. It is better to remove the plants if they are male as they do not produce any buds and pollen sacs. The buds are produced after nearly eight months of planting. The buds yield according to the capacity. The height of the plant may go up to one or one and half meter indoors. If planted outdoors the plant takes enough sunlight and grows up to three or four meters.

Canna Products from Tincture

The buds are harvested in a particular stage and they are dried for use. The buds are used for vaping, recreation and medicinal purposes. These buds are grinded and strained to get a tincture. This tincture is put into the butter or oil to make canna butter and canna oil. The tincture is mixed into the oil and butter in a certain temperature to give the oil or butter. This oil or butter has to be stored for further cooking purposes.

If the products are stored properly then their shelf life is more may be for one year. If they are kept in brown glass jars then the light cannot easily enter into it.