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News From the World: Uruguay, Alaska and Oregon

As many of you know, Uruguay has been for quite some time ahead of the curve when it comes to cannabis legalization. But what’s happening now?

Mujica’s Government legalized pot in December 2013. That day Uruguay became the first country in the world to adopt a similar measure. What kind of “measure” was that? Basically this law gives each and every citizen the freedom to use and cultivate cannabis, privately or with other people. The only thing you have to do is subscribe to an authorized association. Not exactly a bad deal, what would you say?

Of course, the “world” – meaning the power that rule us all – has not exactly accepted this wonderful event.

The UN has already expresses its negative judgment, claiming that cannabis legalization could have an extremely negative impact on the organisms that are trying to control and surveil the international flows of drugs and narcotics. Isn’t this a paradox? How could legality make the enforcement of legality more difficult? Still, this is what they are saying.

Unfortunately, the UN does have a LOT of power, and this kind of statements can have an incredibly detrimental effect on the local government and on its efforts. A shame, almost a crime. In fact, because the UN is saying this, the hyper liberal South American nation has been forced to postpone many shipments of cannabis, which an important number of local pharmacies are patiently expecting. Political commentators have recently argued that this is just another way through which big pharmaceutical companies are trying to control what many believe will be – and to a certain extent already is – the next big thing in the pharmaceutical industry (cannabis-based drugs).

Fortunately enough, you can taste some good pot without going to Uruguay (just go to Still, this is pure injustice.

On the other side of the Continent, Alaska has officially become the third American State where cannabis for recreational purposes is now legal (the first two were Colorado and Washington State). The decision came after the citizens requested a special referendum. As a matter of fact, citizens have demonstrate – and not only in Alaska – to be way more open about cannabis than their own local politicians.

Finally, news from Oregon, the next State that will join the pot-no-matter-what wagon. Everything should happen next summer, in July.

Soon, the United States of Legal Cannabis will be joined by the fourth member of the ire open-minded union. A great year for cannabis lovers!