Great lovers of Haze varieties smile when they get to smoke some buds of this incredible variety. A selection of excellent varieties crossed with each other provides incredible results in Arjans Haze # 2. Its parents are Neville Haze x Super Silver Haze x Laos, so you can imagine the result. This sativa plant of …
Los grandes amantes de las variedades Haze sonríen cuando consiguen fumar algunos cogollos de Arjans Haze #2, esta increíble variedad. Toda una selección de excelentes variedades cruzadas entre si, ofreciendo como resultado la increible Arjans Haze #2. Sus parentales son Neville Haze x Super Silver Haze x …
AMS is a hybrid derived from the cross between “Swiss Sativa X Swiss Indica”, a highly recommended strain for outdoor crops where moisture can be a problem for other varieties of marijuana. Its effect is very strong mentally, and socially, with a clear part and somewhat introspective. It’s a variety …
The Church is probably one of the best varieties to grow in outdoor damp areas, where mold is often a problem for growing marijuana. It is very resistant to moisture and adverse weather conditions in indoor growing and offers great results, which is why it is one of the favorite varieties of most growers. It is a …
Contrary to the popular myth not everyone in the Baby Boomer generation who grew up through the era of the hippy movement smoked weed. In fact, it seems like many of those people never did even after that turbulent time period. Fortunately, with legal victories all over United States and elsewhere these late …