The Origin of Cannabis and its Discovery of Medical Properties Initially cannabis was used as a source of fiber for manufacturing ropes and textiles and not used as drug or for any medicinal purposes. The drug properties of this plant basically changes due to its geographical location and it is first believed to …
Positive Long Term Uses of the Increasingly Popular Marijuana Marijuana has been a source of medical use and has been used to relax over a “joint” for a long time. Before man started smoking Marijuana, It has been used as hemp, to make ropes, and other uses of hemp for the man of early civilization. It was …
Marijuana Reforms and the Legal Changes in Marijuana Consumption Marijuana or cannabis Sativa as it is known has been a recreational and mood enhancing substance which is smoked throughout the world since ancient times has faced legal obstacles and sometimes been subjected to harsh punishment from courts of law. …
Marijuana and the race for US presidency: How does it stack up? The campaigning for the US presidential candidates has started and the race has begun. You follow it with interest to find out what do they candidates think about economics, national security and topics of national interest. The very fact these guys …
Essence of a truly Magnificent Gift to the Human Race and use of Marijuana The bad name, the bad reputation and the unhealthy misconception, all in all, a terrible environment for marijuana to grow up in. This particular plant and its uses have been practically demonized by the society. But with the changing times …
Continuing the Support for a remarkable treat for it truly deserves The support for legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use has been gradually moving towards progression. A number of places in the United States have already legalized its use and the rest are moving towards the movement. The basic …
Marijuana and its Wonderful gifts to Mankind the World Around Cannabis is hemp whose dry leaves and buds are sometimes smoked or eaten as a component in brownies, cookies and sometimes as tea to enhance mood, to relax and generally have a good time. It is often categorized as a soft drug by many organizations …
The little know facts of Marijuana and the future of medicine Marijuana has seen a lot of demand in recent times to be legalised among its users and not only for medicinal purposes. Recreational use of marijuana is on the rise and according to US govt statistics, the domestic consumption of marijuana has increased …
Marijuana the herb of all times and its popularity across the globe If you go back in time, you are sure to find a man smoking cannabis, or eating the herb in some form or applying a paste of it or simply using the cannabis oil for one use or another. The uses of the oil and the herb in its many forms are …
Marijuana and the history of its Cultivation by Humans Marijuana is one of the oldest plants which man cultivated. Marijuana plants have been found near human settlements even among early men. For purposes which vary from recreational to the medicinal, this wonderful herb has been with the man since long. The long …