Go! Cannabis Go! with Exciting Activities In Colorado Mountain Resorts The whole world is now talking about Colorado of course and particularly for the marijuana lobbies, the patients, the abusers, growers and the dealers. Recreational marijuana is all yours of course, if you are 21! Instead of merely smoking it …
Take Positive Usage Of Marijuana Plant There are more and more states which are taking out the prohibition on cannabis. The citizens are left at liberty to possess the plant or leaf. The arrest or jailing is not there if they posses this plant. This proves to be end of the war against cannabis. The people who …
What’s It Like to Smoke Marijuana? It’s common to find many people saying that they would like to try marijuana, but they find it daring to do so because of the bad experiences they would have heard about smoking it from third parties. The fact is that there are plenty of such myths about marijuana. For …
Marijuana Should Be Legalized Or Not? Marijuana is getting legalized is just a news. There are many countries where smokers of marijuana are kicked off the job. There is another side where in the same marijuana is used as a pain killer for giving many treatments. There are many states in the US allowing the growth …
If in Georgia, you can opt for low THC oil on medical grounds The wonder that is marijuana is now slowly getting recognized by the developed world. Researches leave no doubt that the not so innocent plant is no dark villain. It seems only a matter of time before more and more governments open up at least regarding …
How Much Would You Be Willing To Pay For That Marijuana Dream? The mind boggling marijuana success story, of course, is fueled by legal farm growers besides the vast illegal black market that does international business forever in suspense. Prices vary across the world and India must be the cheapest at $0.08 per …
The Cannabis Mystery Grows And Grows Mystery and the supernatural are not new to marijuana that has lived in the shadows for so long. While the western world may talk of 1937 when official prohibition began, cannabis has ruled Asian hearts and souls forever. The drug formed part of religious ritual and those …
Just How Are Taxes To Be Imposed Upon Marijuana Sales? Something that has a booming business future like the recently legalized pot needs to have a regulated infrastructure of rules and regulations. Otherwise you would end up in the black market marijuana that has existed since god knows when, forever perhaps just …
Cannabis Law Reform: Real Legalization, Or Just “Giving Us Permission”? With all the demand for marijuana law reform coming from sensible citizens of the world, there are a lot of terms being thrown around. Decriminalization. Alternative Sentencing. Medical. Recreational. Do any of them amount to legitimate …
Reforma de la Ley de cannabis: ¿Legalización real o sólo un “Daremos permisos nosotros”? La numerosa y extendida demanda de la reforma de la ley sobre marihuana, procedente de ciudadanos activistas y anónimos del mundo entero… Hay una gran cantidad de términos que se lanzan alrededor de ella …