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Let’s Talk About Pain: The Latest News

“What’s wrong with pain?” some of you are probably already asking. Well, let me tell you what I think. Pain certainly has his place in our lives. It can be the embodiment of an extremely significant experience. In certain circumstances, it can bring pleasure, even enlightenment. It is often the force that stands at the end of the road, the little red sign that suggests something is over and, maybe, something new is about to begin. It is a friend who tells us something we really don’t want to hear. And it can be the truth beneath layers of lies and illusions.

However, this is only part of the story.

In fact, there is an entire literature about how pain can quickly turn into a purposeless exercise, something we endure simply and only because we have to be “man enough” or “courageous enough” to do so. And sometimes it is even worst: when it is chronic, and it becomes the norm while it ceases to be the exception, pain seems to push towards invisibility. Basically: if you are always in pain, you are not really in pain. All this is crazy.

Thankfully, cannabis can help a lot.

In what is probably the latest study dedicate to this subject (published in the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health), Charles W. Webb and Sandra M. Webb stated that “cannabis is an extremely safe and effective medication for many patients with chronic pain. In stark contrast to opioids and other available pain medications, cannabis is relatively non-addicting and has the best safety record of any known pain medication (no deaths attributed to overdose or direct effects of medication)”, adding that “adverse reactions are mild and can be avoided by titration of dosage using smokeless vaporizers”. These are just the latest published results that clearly suggest cannabis is probably the best anti-pain medicine you will ever find.

To me, this literally means cannabis turns your life into a better life. If you choose the right strains (look here you will know what I mean: there is nothing like it, if you want to relax without side effects. Forget about pills and paracetamol, injections and ibuprofen: cannabis is what you are looking for if you are often, if not always, in pain. Try it, and you won’t regret it, I promise.

Because, let’s make one thing clear: a life of constant pain, is not life at all!