Many people aren’t aware of the power of moon phases when cultivating marijuana. The professionals make the most of this aspect and harvest the cannabis like a boss. This article will enlighten you about the same. Waxing and waning Waxing and waning of the moon are associated with the angles of the moon’s …
Growing marijuana outdoors is not easy as just sowing some seeds into the ground and waiting for it to grow. To make sure you end up with a good harvest, outdoor marijuana cultivators must always do a stringent due diligence on local soil, making the site ready and coming up with proper pest control methods and …
Humidity is a key factor in the growth of cannabis plant and for every stage, there is a particular optimum growth room humidity level that should be achieved. Though the ideal humidity level tends to be different depending on the particular strains, geographic locations, and season as well, it also varies …
Planning to grow some cannabis in your backyard? Then you probably need to know a lot about the harvesting process and the different stages and processes involved in the successful harvesting of your marijuana plants. In this case, you must also have a clear understanding of the transplant process and how and when …
Marijuana cream or cannabis cream is basically used as a medicinal ointment and has great therapeutic properties that help to heal various types of diseases and pains that might be bothering you for quite some time. Cannabinoids are known to have analgesic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help …
The auto-flowering cannabis strains result from the introduction of cannabis ruderalis genetics to a regular strain. There are certain advantages as well as disadvantages to this process. What is auto-flowering cannabis? The cannabis plant is primarily a genetically flexible plant with species that have completely …
As you get started with making marijuana tincture at home, you might as well want to know what it is all about. This is probably the most underrated or underestimated products or consumables as compared to joints even though they render almost the same effect if not more. What are marijuana tinctures? The …
The importance of the lunar calendar cannot be underestimated in growing and harvesting marijuana crops. However, all cannabis growers might not give equal importance to the lunar calendar while growing marijuana. But its importance is much more than you can possibly think of. What you should understand about the …
Washing marijuana roots is a seemingly easy technique but simple always doesn’t mean unimportant as it makes all the difference between a pleasant experience and a less pleasant experience. What is marijuana washing? Technically, this process involves excess nutrient removal from the substrate so that the …
If you plan on growing cannabis indoors or outdoors then you might as well follow the procedures that’ll help you grow larger and heavier buds. It is quite disappointing if your buds grow up to be weak and hence certain measures taken during the growth phase can bring out the desired result. Follow the following …