Cannabis Law Reform: Real Legalization, Or Just “Giving Us Permission”? With all the demand for marijuana law reform coming from sensible citizens of the world, there are a lot of terms being thrown around. Decriminalization. Alternative Sentencing. Medical. Recreational. Do any of them amount to legitimate …
All cannabis enthusiasts always wait eagerly to attend the Spanish state’s largest cannabis fair, which generally takes place every year during February or March. And this year was no exception! As always, the expectations were beaten as the crowd was much bigger than usual. This makes it evident that …
Let’s Talk About Species Those who try to step into the cannabis world soon find themselves facing an initial, elementary problem: what strain should I choose? In order to begin to make sense of the “what, where and how”, it’s probably better to first understand the differences between the species of …
History of White Widow Strain Every other person, who is even slightly familiar with popular cannabis strains, would know about the legendary White Widow strain. Its origin is very well known but there are a lot of confusions in the minds of millions of people due to various online rumors. Since its inception, …