Cannabis in Brazil: The Latest News The Brazilian Minister of Health has announced a new law to facilitate the import of medicines that contain cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid used to treat diseases such as epilepsy. According to a resolution approved by the AgenciaNacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (Anvisa), a …
What If Jesus Smoked Pot? Anti-cannabis statements are often based on some kind of religious morality. Jews and Christians, for instance, consider their religions as one of the main reason why they should not use marijuana. Rabbi Ronen Lubitsch was very clear about it, saying that according to the Jewish law the …
Costs and Reasons The cannabis debate is shifting towards the criminalization of drugs in general. Truth be told, looking at the results of the latest scientific studies that focus on both legal and illegal drugs, the reasons behind official criminalization and decriminalization have slowly become almost …
It’s Cannabis Oil, Don’t Call it Medical Pot Up until the 18th/19th century, the category “children” didn’t exactly exist. Children were considered to be little men and women, who have different skills and knowledge when compared to their adult counterparts. These little beings, however, were not “less …
Cannabis in Czech Republic In Czech Republic there are many patients suffering from chronic pain who have been waiting since 2012 to be able to enjoy some medical marijuana. That was the year in which the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes was approved there. The purpose was to give the drug to those who …
A Problem Called Taxes If you are looking for a very good place to open a business, the USA could be the perfect solution. The rules change according to the actual state in which you live, but generally speaking its way better to be in the United States of America than in Europe when it comes to taxes, licenses …
Who Owns Me? The Problem with Marijuana Cards Recreational cannabis it’s still a mirage for the best part of the states in America and all around the world. Still, medical marijuana is not doing that bad, all considered. Just think about where we were three years ago and where we are now: half of the USA said …
The Dangers of Cannabis-Normativity There is a new discussion in Academia Town, and it is based on the concept of cannabis-normativity. In order to understand what it means, we need to take a couple of steps back. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, normative can be defined as “establishing, relating to, …
Looking at Georgia: An Update As you probably know, last week was Georgia’s week. In fact, the state has finally legalized cannabis oil. And it is official, thanks to the signature of the Governor Nathan Deal, who also declared, with visible satisfaction, that this is the end of a long journey. He then added …
Marijuana: Eaze Solutions Nowadays, there is absolutely nothing that you cannot do without your Smartphone. Actually, let me say that again: there is absolutely nothing that you can’t do with the right application, and there is an application for pretty much everything. In the last few years, the market of the …