LED and HPS are both lighting methods that are used in growing marijuana crops indoors. So, what makes them different and why the discussion? Let’s start with the basics – HPS culture has been in the marijuana cultivation business for decades whilst LED culture is comparatively new. That said, …
Cultivating cannabis requires a certain amount of care. Just like any other crop, even Cannabis is prone to get infected with pests – no matter if you grow it indoors or outdoors, irrespective of the variant you use, and irrespective of the cultivation method. People often report that despite using sprays to …
CBD (Cannabidiol) in weed is known for medicinal benefits. Marijuana plants rich in CBD are usually bred in a way that they contain minimum THC percentage. In fact, marijuana has many varieties and ‘Hemp’ is the one that contains minimal traces of THC. One of the biggest differences between …
The Netherlands is one country that’s most considerate in its drug policy. It is also one of the quickest to realize that it is impossible to tame people to not do drugs. Thus, in the interest of everyone, state policy and opium law in Netherland classified drugs to be of 2 kinds – soft drugs …
Cannabis is harmful to health – says who? This myth was busted long ago. Only people need awareness about Cannabis and its benefits for body and mind healing. To begin with, the negativity about Cannabis revolves around the fact that people think it’s a lethal addictive drug. However, in all …
Cannabis selling has very serious potential and the market is on a boom in countries like Canada where the sale is legal. Certain giants like Canopy Growth are making the most out of it. The market study reveals that the sale of legal weed in Canada reaped as much as 1.6 billion dollars in 2018. The most potential …
If you think that Cannabis is a gateway drug, then think again. Not a drug when not abused, cannabis is instead a healing herbal extract that’s used by many doctors as a prescribed medicine to help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety. That being said, people are only aware of the notion that cannabis …
Cannabis is a booming market but it has started seeing a stalling rhythm with time. This is surprising, primarily, because the demand for cannabis is still high and is increasing day by day. Then, what’s the issue that the market growth of legal cannabis has actually slowed down and is seeing a possible …
Archaeological discoveries have proved that Cannabis hasn’t come in existence lately; instead, it has been a recreational herb that has existed for more than 3 millennium BC. Weed or marijuana, whatever you call it cannabis serves much greater purposes than experiencing Euphoria. It has spiritual and …
Bob Marley, a famous musician who inspired many, never hid the fact that Cannabis had a great influence in his life as an artist and an individual. Born on February 6th, 1945, Marley first joined a band called Waliers in 1963 and never looked back. Some of his most iconic songs like ‘She is Shining’, …