When you decide to cultivate Marijuana in your house, you have to think and plan several things about it. Right from choosing the suitable seeds to mode of germination, from conservation of buds to tackling the pungent smell of Marijuana crops. The pungent odour of Marijuana in your backyard or indoor garden …
The noise caused by fans, exhausts, tube vents and other electric components in indoor cultivation is definitely a headache. Therefore, whenever you begin indoor cannabis cultivation, make sure you put in the extra attention, robust control, and special care for your greenhouse. Here are five soundproofing …
Calcium is considered as the most essential nutrient for a marijuana plant. Proper intake of Calcium strengthens the overall structure of the plant and helps it to survive in extreme weather conditions. Therefore, it’s important to understand the symptoms of Calcium deficiency and remedies to treat your …
A phosphorus deficiency in cannabis plants is a very common problem and tends to occur in the lower parts or the older parts of the plant. The leaves in the lower parts may get dark green or yellow color or might even develop big blue splotches. The affected leaves may thicken up and feel very stiff. At times, the …
Cannabis Oil is extracted from a peculiar type of cannabis plant named Cannabis Sativa. While other forms of cannabis are solid and usually sold in the same form, it is processed and used as a liquor. To prepare this liquor, a solvent is needed. The solvent can be like ethanol (alcohol), naphtha, petroleum-ether, …
Marijuana is known for a lot of things. Those in the medical field know about the medicinal benefits of the plant while the recreational users know about the euphoric high that it gives them. Well, this induced euphoria is because of the presence of THC in the marijuana strains and the amount of this differs …
Mycorrhizae fungi create a mutually beneficial relationship between different fungi and plants like cannabis. Many scientists estimate that the majority of vascular plants on the land survive because of this symbiotic relationship. It improves the overall growth of the plants by enhancing the nutrients and water …
It is observed that cannabis being a complex plant consists of numerous components, each playing an unavoidable role whilst extraction of oils. Noted by scientists is the conclusion that full spectrum CBD is preferred than it being utilized as a single compound. Being widely known for health (both physical and …
Full spectrum CBD oil and CBD oil containing isolate are two of the commonly found oils in the market. Consumers are usually confused regarding their choice as both these extracts have their own benefits and disadvantages. On a comparative note, CBD full spectrum oil is found to be better as its composition …
Most of the time individuals prefer to use full spectrum CBD in comparison with the others. Extracted from the plants which contain an ingredient named THC, full spectrum CBD has a lot of benefits. This is because of its varied composition in comparison to its other competitive extracts. The following steps …