The first thing that comes to mind when talking about cannabis/weed is getting high. However, that’s not the only result that everyone is looking for – especially, scientists. It’s an obvious knowledge that cannabis has cannabinoids that are responsible for the effects that appear upon use. And …
White powdery mildew is a type of fungus that affects cannabis growth by limiting photosynthesis, until the plant dies. The worst part is that once it appears, it can spread like weeds and kill the entire harvest if not taken care of early on. So, the first question that stems its head is, where does this thing …
Legalizing cannabis has been a controversial topic for decades now. Despite its health benefits, many countries are reluctant to open the market for legal sale to the public. Only a few countries including the likes Colombia, Argentina, and Canada have legalized cannabis use. In total, only 26 countries in the …
Cannabis is quite a unique plant where you can use its leaves, stems, as well as roots. And, this variety calls out to the need of different methods to consume cannabis. So, keeping in mind the consideration that not everyone is a pro, we are making a mention of 3 ways in which cannabis can be consumed to get the …
If you’ve been asking yourself repeatedly if or not cannabis can help in anxiety management, then the answer is, yes. Yes, cannabis helps in anxiety management. That established, the next thing that pops open is, if it’s that simple then why do some people conclude that cannabis made their anxiety …
With issues regarding the legalities and the high costs involved in the process, growing marijuana seems a difficult task for some people. But fortunately, with a gradual surge in the advancements and developments in this industry, the growth and maintenance costs of marijuana have remarkably declined. As this is …
Since ages, we have been told that using Cannabis is not safe to use or it is illegal. Though the latter is true in many countries, according to researchers, there are a lot of medical and health benefits of consuming marijuana. This may sound surreal and many may even say it is a myth, but to their …
Many people are aware of the medical benefits that the usage of cannabis provides and how it is used in different types of treatments. With many states now recognizing the personal usage of cannabis for recreational purposes, you would like to know the health benefits among others as to why it is so popular. 1) …
Planning on growing some weed of your own but unsure about the watering process? Marijuana is a sensitive plant and its growth depends on the type of soil it is grown on, the type of light it receives, and the way in which it is watered. So today, we will be sharing some tips about carefully watering your …
Whether you’re growing cannabis in your greenhouse or outdoors in a field, Mycorrhizae fungi will provide some essential benefits to your crops. Mycorrhizae fungi build a symbiotic relationship between significant fungi and cannabis, which is necessary for the survival and growth of the plant. It also helps the …