Conservative Politicians You Probably Didn’t Know Were In Favor of Cannabis Legalization. Right-wingers, particular those with a strong social conservative bent, aren’t known for having a favorable attitude towards cannabis in the public sphere. However, with an increasing liberal attitude towards the plants …
We often hear about the medicinal benefits of human beings but can the same medicinal effects which help humans also aid ailing pets? Or instead is this substance poisonous to them? It is not difficult to find anecdotes which discuss the efficacy of cannabis to treat household pets, which makes sense considering …
The American South has long been thought to be the location in the country which would resist marijuana reform longer than anywhere else, but this may not actually be true anymore. Cannabis already has been decriminalized in Mississippi and North Carolina, (and possibly Virginia soon as well) so it shouldn’t …
Twenty-seventh Cannabis Cup Winning Results Despite getting off to a rough start one the first day with last minute legal shenanigans this year’s cannabis cup went off through the week, more or less without a hitch. With the exceptions of certain first day events being reshuffled events went through as …
Contrary to the popular myth not everyone in the Baby Boomer generation who grew up through the era of the hippy movement smoked weed. In fact, it seems like many of those people never did even after that turbulent time period. Fortunately, with legal victories all over United States and elsewhere these late …
Most of us are used to hearing about cannabis legal battles on a large scale, by that I mean federal or parliamentary legislation, high court rulings, and so on. However, there are many small legal precedents and cases which should be examined, as they may have considerable impact in the future. One such case …
According to one (Former) Reporter we should all go Public with our Pot Use. There are some interesting ways to start an advocacy career and end your current occupation, but few as dramatic as what happened several months ago. At the end of September one very inspired Alaskan firebrand reporter quit her job live …
“Your eyes are redder than the devil’s dick,” a friend of mine told me as we got done passing around blunt rolled with White Widow. A look in the mirror confirmed that my eyes almost look like a took one or too many punches, or I had been crying from hours conscripted onion chopping at the soup kitchen. …
Predicting the Future of Pot around the World. With cannabis now legal in one entire country and in certain cities and providences in across the world the only question is where will it be given the okay by the State next? The following are a few forecasts of the next countries to go green in a few years. . …
For a long time Portugal has had a big problem. It is not rising seas or drought or dwindling cork crops, none of these things are nearly as bad as the drug problem that Portugal had. What was worse was the prevalence of AIDs amongst needle using drug addicts. Not sure what to do, with a health epidemic waiting to …