For years people have been degrading people who consume marijuana, categorizing it as a drug, since the use or consumption of the plant has been illegal for many years. Even though ancient history and mythology openly features consumption of cannabis, people started to debate over the plant and hence …
Contemporary times have seen the greatest benefits of cannabis and Marijuana. Today, there are diseases and medical conditions, that can only be treated with the help of marijuana or cannabis oil. Thus, the issue of legalization of marijuana becomes an important one. Not only has it been proven to be helpful …
Due to all the myths and social stigma, people never really came across the good side of marijuana and its positive effects on an individual. But since many countries and states have started legalizing the use and consumption of cannabis, people have begun to realize and research the health benefits of the plant. …
The idea of legalization of Marijuana has had its own ups and downs in several countries. Countries like Georgia, Canada, and a few states in the US, have either legalized the use of medicinal marijuana or decriminalized it. This is probably due to the fact that cannabis or medicinal marijuana has proved to be …
Marijuana in contemporary times has gained massive support all over the world because of the benefits it provides. Several research studies are being conducted to find out more uses of cannabis. Many say that the legalization of medical marijuana in the whole of the US is possible in the near future. It is, …
People may tend to take a step backward when they hear about using marijuana as a means to cure illness. Not everybody believes it as marijuana is considered for recreational purposes and not for anything else. But as we discover more about cannabis and its medicinal uses, we know that marijuana is more than just …
Many western countries and a few states in the US have successfully legalized marijuana for medical purposes. With the growth in the research, more and more benefits of medicinal marijuana came forward such as the treatment of mental and physical health, and so on. The legalization of marijuana was the result of …
The popular issue of legalization of marijuana has been a real head-scratcher. Some countries and states believe in the legalization, while some are dead against the idea. However, with the growing awareness of marijuana and its several benefits to the physical and mental health, we can expect to see the drug …
It is common knowledge that marijuana can be consumed through edibles as well as through the lungs. So why the different ways of consuming the drug? Although smoking and eating marijuana appear to produce the same effects, it is not completely true. Eating and smoking marijuana in fact produce different effects. …
It is predicted that by the year 2025, recreational cannabis markets will grow by 36.4% as the availability of legal marijuana will increase. After many countries legalized medicinal and recreational cannabis, more people have started exploring the benefits of weed and are slowly turning into consumers. With the …