Due to all the myths and social stigma, people never really came across the good side of marijuana and its positive effects on an individual. But since many countries and states have started legalizing the use and consumption of cannabis, people have begun to realize and research the health benefits of the plant. …
Marijuana in contemporary times has gained massive support all over the world because of the benefits it provides. Several research studies are being conducted to find out more uses of cannabis. Many say that the legalization of medical marijuana in the whole of the US is possible in the near future. It is, …
People may tend to take a step backward when they hear about using marijuana as a means to cure illness. Not everybody believes it as marijuana is considered for recreational purposes and not for anything else. But as we discover more about cannabis and its medicinal uses, we know that marijuana is more than just …
The popular issue of legalization of marijuana has been a real head-scratcher. Some countries and states believe in the legalization, while some are dead against the idea. However, with the growing awareness of marijuana and its several benefits to the physical and mental health, we can expect to see the drug …
It is common knowledge that marijuana can be consumed through edibles as well as through the lungs. So why the different ways of consuming the drug? Although smoking and eating marijuana appear to produce the same effects, it is not completely true. Eating and smoking marijuana in fact produce different effects. …
CBD also known as cannabidiol is that component of marijuana, which is non-intoxicating. It is extracted from marijuana or hemp plants as a powder and is mixed typically with oils like coconut, olive, or hemp, all of which are efficient in increasing its effectiveness and application, hence the name CBD oil. …
Marijuana or cannabis is the most controversial plant. Growing the plants is legalized in a few states of the US while some states are dead against the idea. Even so, cannabis has its own advantages. It has proved successful in treating several psychological and mental issues. Growing this plant indoors is a bit …
Cannabis has existed for centuries and its consumption has lately seen a huge expansion in the market. With more and more countries legalizing marijuana, conducting researches, and experimenting new things with the plant has seen a rise. With the developing mainstream interest in medical and recreational …
Cannabis plants are cultivated in 2 ways – either via seeds or cloning. And the method you choose depends upon a few factor like: • Whether you’re a beginner. • Whether you’re a pro. • Whether you’re targeting cannabis growth for trade. • Whether you’re growing cannabis at …
We all have used bath bombs – some more frequently than the others considering their high cost. However, did you know you can actually also use cannabis-infused bath bombs? You might or might not have heard of them, but their abundant health benefits are worth exploring. That said, it isn’t easy to …