Many people know Lara Parker as the social media influencer who loves to talk about body positivity, but she is also a voice for women around the world, because she just doesn’t mind talking her mind on various ‘vagina issues’. She has also been an activist of sorts, talking of the incredible uses of …
Understanding the cannabis industry is easy when you look at the evolution process. The future is Cannabis 3.0, which basically gives a decoded look at how opinions, technologies and AI are helping in shaping the industry. From determining from where a cannabis product has originated, to taking decisions …
Whether you casually cultivate marijuana in your backyard or you are a commercial grower, your motive is to enhance the effects of your marijuana crop. A healthy marijuana plant appears very dense and vibrant, and definitely results in higher yields. Additionally, a properly developed marijuana plant can …
In Biology, Hermaphroditism is a special condition that makes complete and partial genetic organs both with male and female sexes. This may occur for any kind of organism on this planet. Marijuana is a very common plant to have this condition with occurrences of both male and female flowers. Though this is a very …
So, looks like your strain of the cannabis plant has given you a good yield. And now you are wondering what to do next? Should you plant a new one for the next harvest or will this plant yield more? Today, we will be discussing the technique used for the regrowth of cannabis and its pros and cons. How to regrow …
It is stated in research that when induced in high amounts cannabis can cause multiple psychological issues in individuals. This is noted specifically in cases of vulnerable individuals. An ingredient namely delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is stated to be the main cause of the same. The psychological effects …
Cloning is a common technique not just for marijuana but for many plants. This is to ensure that the plant which you next grow has similar desirable qualities that were present in your first plant. One of the other benefits of cloning is that you are already familiar with how the plant grows. Since it will have …
Pruning is an optional step in growing the Cannabis plant. When the process of pruning is executed properly, the result would be a higher yield. But one has to make sure that he or she knows the techniques of pruning well as otherwise there are a lot of risks involved. Some growers might not prefer to prune …
Marijuana, also known as cannabis is an interesting plant that is used both in medical science and as man’s recreational object. But what we know as medical marijuana, (i.e. Cannabidiol, can be prepared at home) cures health issues like anxiety disorder, type I diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer. Also, …
A massage with cannabis oil can be an excellent way to reduce pain, improve circulation, and alleviate stress and anxiety. Studies also indicate that cannabis can reduce blood pressure and help to maintain a healthy heart. It also acts as a cure for diabetes, mental disorders, and certain types of cancers. It …