When to harvest weed : Cannabis cultivation requires a good deal of time and efforts; the standard duration is at least three months after the seeds germinate. It is therefore very important to know when it’s the right time to harvest and when to cut marihuana plants for maximum production and profit. Like …
Weed Butter Recipes One of the easiest ways to consume marijuana without smoking or vaporizing is ingesting it. We can eat brownies, muffins or sweets made of marijuana in a very simple way, using marijuana butter during processing. By consuming marijuana this way, we will use 100% of its cannabinoids, including …
How to Grow Weed Indoors? Even for less experienced growers, there is nothing as simple as growing marihuana indoors. If you want to get started with indoor marijuana cultivation, this simple guide will help you solve all the little doubts that you always have at first. Before continuing, be warned it is not a …
How to Grow Weed? Are you an ardent grower who asks how to easily grow cannabis plant either at home (interior or balcony) or outside (garden or guerilla)? The truth is that marijuana plant cultivation is really easy and with a few simple steps, we can get healthy plants, which produce good buds. Whether we grow …
How to dry weed step by step: Perhaps, you have never stopped thinking about the importance of the last step to perform with crops- the cannabis drying process and subsequent curing. These steps are very important; if not done correctly, all the work done over months to obtain quality buds will go in vain. Drying …
Understanding pH Levels and EC – What is the PH of whater One common question that many novice growers ask about cannabis cultivation is about the “PH” or “EC” and it indeed is quite important. You might have seen those initials in many tutorials, but may not know what pH or EC really …
When you have a doubt about if your have a female or male marijuana plant…. read this thread. Differentiating sex of cannabis plants is easy. Currently, if we have a cannabis plant, it is possible to know if it is a male or female marijuana plant from the fourth or fifth week of growth. No need to wait until …
Experienced marijuana users think that they know most of the types of marijuana, which exist in the market. But, the truth is that there are millions of different varieties of it. At present, we can classify marijuana plants in two sets, within which all varieties are housed. The first set indicates the type of …
How to germinate Weed seeds? At present, there are several techniques to properly germinate cannabis seeds so that one may get perfectly germinated seeds. As you see, it is very easy to do, and will take just little effort to prepare everything to get all your seeds to germinate into marijuana seedlings. …