How to Grow Marijuana in Coco? Marijuana can be cultivated using different substrates ranging from the classic crop land and coconut water (hydro) to air (aeroponics). Each of these cultivation methods is really amazing and highly effective, though with its own pros and cons. The latter methods require minimum …
If you are new to cultivating auto-flowering marijuana, here’s a quick look into how to grow them. Indoor Auto-Flowering Marijuana Cultivation Auto-flowering marijuana plants are those that do not need a specific light cycle to start blooming. This implies they can grow automatically and flourish well …
How to Optimize our Indoor? There are many cannabis cultivators growing their marijuana crops indoors, either in a cupboard or in a room prepared for this purpose. But not always all requirements recommended for best results are met. Every cultivator should ask himself if he’s getting the maximum possible …
Every cannabis grower would wish that his plants grow into resin-filled lush ones at the end of the flowering stage. The resin coat usually contains the buds of marijuana plants at their flowering stage. The trichomes present in this are responsible for protecting the seeds from insects, solar radiation, fungi …
For several years, it has been carrying out an alternative way of growing indoors, saving time and money on the electricity bill. It is a simple technique that does not require significant extra efforts, simply a little better control culture parameters. We speak of the culture at 12-12 from seed. Indoor crops are …
How to Grow Weed Outdoors? Outdoor marijuana cultivation is possibly one of the easiest ways to grow cannabis, much easier than interior cultivation and also much cheaper because the sunlight is free and you need not pay any electric bill. Although quite simple, we must consider some factors to get fruitful …
Hydroponic weed culture systems are increasingly used among farmers with more experience. They pose a great advantage over other culture substrates because they can very effectively control the exact amount of nutrients the plant receives. Besides the root system, the plant extends with amazing speed on these …
Making a sponge Marihuana cake (weed cake) is very simple; you need to simply follow the steps given in the recipe below, to enjoy a delicious cake with/without chocolate. And, you can also add ingredients like fruits and chocolate chips to this recipe. Remember that patience is the mother of all virtues; to …
Hashish extraction is an ancient art; thousands of years ago, peoplerubbed their hands firmly on the wet buds, allowing the resin to stick to their hand and then carefully removed it. An ancient technique known as drafting “charas” over the years has evolved to the techniques we know today. In this …
Today, many cannabis users prefer the oil form of marihuanainstead of smoking, vaporizing or eating the buds. Oil consumption has many benefits compared to traditional consumption, since all the leftover plant material is removed to get only the cannabinoids. During the traditional consumption of marijuana …